We are a nonprofit that leads bike adventures to immerse and educate in local history and nature.
As a community organization, Out Our Front Door’s mission is to immerse, educate, and preserve the history, culture, trails, and native habitats of the Lower Lake Michigan Basin Area through exploratory adventures. Established in 2015 with the North Loop Ride, we now have many different resources, events, and programs we offer the public.
Vision statement
We Believe in Adventure.
Through adventure we come to better understand ourselves as well as our world, from our neighbor down to the smallest piece of prairie grass. Through this growth and shared experience, we learn to love with a more open heart and inspire others to do the same. Appreciation for one’s self and one’s environment flourishes in the atmosphere of adventure. In the challenge. In the self reflection. In the vulnerability. In the completion. In the stories that float from the mouth once the adventure is long gone; to stories that will put the twinkle of inspiration in the eyes of the listeners.
Adventures make the story of one’s life. We believe in the unlimited growth potential found in adventure and we will help to inspire others to open their front door and make the stories of their lives. To learn about the beauty of their local area. To realize that adventure doesn’t always mean a trip to a distant place. That adventure lies right outside at any moment, and that moment is always ours to embrace as we see fit.
Ride a bike for 150 miles and see if you won’t be telling that story for the rest of your life! And then . . . And then . . .! To learn about the unique structures around you, from wetland plants to skyscrapers, statues to fellow humans! Appreciation deepens as one better understands the miracles inherent all around them. In the wildlife, in the stories of those who came before us, in the creations of human...in the creations of nature.
And Chicago is not just city sprawl surrounded by boring corn fields! It’s not! But you’ll only come to see its magic that relaxes right beneath your nose until you get out the front door! Explore. Get to know your home. Connect with it. Celebrate it. Become an ambassador of it. Help preserve and improve it for this generation and those to come. Finally, be like us, get so darn inspired that you simply have no other option but to share your adventurous spirit with others, thus aiding them to go out and explore as well!
Through adventure we come to better understand ourselves as well as our world, from our neighbor down to the smallest piece of prairie grass. Through this growth and shared experience, we learn to love with a more open heart and inspire others to do the same. Appreciation for one’s self and one’s environment flourishes in the atmosphere of adventure. In the challenge. In the self reflection. In the vulnerability. In the completion. In the stories that float from the mouth once the adventure is long gone; to stories that will put the twinkle of inspiration in the eyes of the listeners.
Adventures make the story of one’s life. We believe in the unlimited growth potential found in adventure and we will help to inspire others to open their front door and make the stories of their lives. To learn about the beauty of their local area. To realize that adventure doesn’t always mean a trip to a distant place. That adventure lies right outside at any moment, and that moment is always ours to embrace as we see fit.
Ride a bike for 150 miles and see if you won’t be telling that story for the rest of your life! And then . . . And then . . .! To learn about the unique structures around you, from wetland plants to skyscrapers, statues to fellow humans! Appreciation deepens as one better understands the miracles inherent all around them. In the wildlife, in the stories of those who came before us, in the creations of human...in the creations of nature.
And Chicago is not just city sprawl surrounded by boring corn fields! It’s not! But you’ll only come to see its magic that relaxes right beneath your nose until you get out the front door! Explore. Get to know your home. Connect with it. Celebrate it. Become an ambassador of it. Help preserve and improve it for this generation and those to come. Finally, be like us, get so darn inspired that you simply have no other option but to share your adventurous spirit with others, thus aiding them to go out and explore as well!