"While everyone was there for their own purpose, we were all there to experience something new..."
Going the Distance: A Your story by Anna H.
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After hearing about the North Loop Ride through meeting one of the founders, Glenn, at a City Year networking event, I was eager to experience the ride on May 14th and 15th. I moved to Chicago a little less than a year ago and have not been able to explore the naturey aspects of Illinois due to a tight work schedule and unfamiliarity of the area. I was feeling slightly discouraged over the winter months because of the cold weather and lack of spending time outdoors.
This trip was an opportunity to prove to myself that it’s never too late to pick up a new hobby or find an adventure. And most importantly, how much you can do with minimal equipment and a determined, positive, rock-solid attitude.
"To immerse , educate, preserve & advance the history, culture, trails and native habitats of the Lower Lake Michigan Basin Area" Trail Series